Outward Intimations
A quieting snow cover forming a serene base for meditation and visual musings; an over layering of micro on macro. Landscapes mitigated by a fine mist scrim condensed out of the warm air within our cabin from the breath of deep dreams, the heat of our bodies, the steam from last night’s boiled pasta. Looking out from this still comfort, an attempt to reconcile the safe contained feeling of being there with the open possibilities of what lies on the other side.
Under the quiet cover of snow, a base of serenity provides an opportunity for meditation and visual musings. It’s an over layering of the micro with the macro, landscapes mitigated by a fine mist scrim condensed out of the warm air within our cabin: the breath of deep dreams, the heat of our bodies, the steam from last night’s boiling pasta. Looking out from this still comfort I attempt to reconcile the safe contained feeling of being there with the open possibilities of what lies outside the glass.